Category: Features

  • You Should Drink More Whiskey

    It’s nothing personal. I just think you should have a little more whiskey in your life. If you don’t have any right now, well, then a little shouldn’t be too much to ask.

  • The Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide

    The largest gift giving holiday of the year is fast approaching and there is likely someone still on your list for whom you haven’t purchased a gift. It’s not as complicated as you may believe. Use this gift giving guide to make your season less stressful.

  • The Next Greatest Generation

    The chal­lenges that face our generation are com­plex and numerous. This moment in his­tory has given us a bro­ken health care sys­tem and a newfound aware­ness of the energy crisis. Our broth­ers and sis­ters are on the front lines of two wars in a region on the other side of the world that has been fight­ing for […]

  • The Importance of Trap Shutting

    Public discussion is important. Developing a dialogue and maintaining a tone of civility even in staunch disagreement is the mark of a developed society. President Abraham Lincoln said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”


    For a little over a month I’ve been working on a network for college newspapers across the country to come together, collaborate and critique. I’ve never taken a journalism class. I’ve never taken media marketing, public relations, design or any other course that would serve as a direct connection to the creation of this site. […]

  • The Trouble with Parsnips

    Parsnips are just emo carrots. That’s why nobody likes them. What other vegetable can have such a sorry ass outlook on life? Cucumbers? No, you can make cucumber sandwiches. Sweet Potatoes? No, you can make sweet potato pie. (Also, to avoid confusion, just call them ‘yams’. Four syllables or one syllable; you be the judge.) […]