Share in the Dream

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true mean­ing of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,’” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his speech that immor­tal­ized the ral­ly­ing cry of the civil rights move­ment and fur­ther pow­ered the wheels of progress.

Each year Ferris State University, and the rest of the coun­try, takes time to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King. He was a man who spoke not just for African-Americans, but also for men, women and chil­dren of all eth­nic­i­ties, demand­ing equal­ity and tol­er­ance, jus­tice and peace. He dreamed of a day when those pil­lars would sup­port our coun­try, steadfast.

That dream is still alive as we look to one another in our dif­fi­cult tri­als and vic­to­ries, regard­less of the color of our skin. When those in Haiti cried out, all races, not just one group of peo­ple, lent a hand. When our pos­ter­ity, our chil­dren and our children’s chil­dren go out on the play­ground at recess, it is, and will con­tinue to be, with peers of every back­ground and creed. And as fight­ing over­seas and the need for pro­tec­tion on our streets con­tin­ues, there is a diverse group of men and women who embody and typ­ify that dream. Together we are strength­ened and blessed by our differences.

On Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. and pro­claimed that he had a dream. It’s a dream that we still speak of and con­tinue to hope for and achieve, and we have made many steps towards its realization.

As Dr. King’s life came to a tragic end, his ideas, and the ideas of peo­ple like him, per­se­vere and carry on strength­ened in the hearts and minds of peo­ple like you and me, who share that dream.

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